Wankel Journal
The Wankel-Journal was created in 1996 by merging the magazines "Die Trochoide" (Germany) and "Die Wankelscheibe" (Switzerland) and has since then been the official organ of the Ro 80 Club International e.V. - Association for Rotary Technology and the NSU Ro 80 Club of Switzerland (member of SDHM/ASVE).
In addition to news from club life, the Wankel-Journal offers a whole variety of reports from members, technical explanations, historical observations and current developments in the field of rotary technology.
Werden Sie Mitglied unseres Clubs, dann lesen Sie hier die ganzen Hefte des Wankel-Journals...
Publication frequency: quarterly, 1200 issues, Publisher: Ro 80 Club International and NSU Ro 80 Club of Switzerland (www.nsuro80.ch)
The subscription price is included in the membership fee for both clubs.
Issuer: Ro 80 Club International and NSU Ro 80-Club der Schweiz.

Rohrdorf, Germany