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Visionaries in technique - Welcome to the club.



Ro 80 Club International e.V. -
Verein für Kreiskolbentechnik
Felix-Wankel-Straße 10
88131 Lindau

Phone +49 - (0)7248 - 20 00 99



You will find statutes and application for membership on our download page.

Even though we have an office as a shared postal address, our club is essentially very decentralized. We have members in over 20 countries. The main areas of active club life are Germany, Austria, France and the Netherlands.

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If you have any general questions, please feel free to send an email to the office or contact one of the contact persons directly.

Ro 80 Club International

Gunter Olsowski
Hard, Austria
Andreas Meyer
Vice chairman
Grabenstätt, Germany
Ursula Rudolf
Ratzeburg, Germany
Steffen Hofmann
Spare parts & Event manager
Neustadt/Main, Germany
Heiko Rossnagel
Editor Wankel-Journal
Rohrdorf, Germany
Matthias Unholzer
Vehicle database
Pforzheim, Germany
Matthias Steil
Pfedelbach-Obergleichen, Germany
Sascha Scheben
Forum moderation / Fair TechnoClassica
Euskirchen / NRW, Germany
Ralf Puchas
Frankfurt, Germany

International Contacts

Pieter Jakobs
International Coordinator
Horst, Netherlands
Regions: Benelux & Scandinavia
Andreas Bertsch
Kumberg/Graz, Austria
Regions: Österreich, Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria
Phil Blake
Woodbridge, United Kingdom
Regions: United Kingdom, USA, Canada
Mark Crompton
Auckland, New Zealand
Regions: New Zealand, Australia, Rep. South Africa, South Korea, Japan
Gérard Fady
Cernay, France
Regions: France, Switzerland
Marco M. Pignata
Seveso, Italy
Regions: Italy, Croatia